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Star Trek Osiris

Dr. Allen in "Shades of Gray

Abusive Fatherin in "The Devils Locket"
With my partner in crime Chloe McDole

This Year Will Be Different
Robert Maples & John Tynan

Preparing for Last Bars

Dr. Julian in "CP Time"

Revenge of the Black Eagle

The Bridge Keeper for "Morrow Road"
Shooting the trailer for Morrow Road

Revenge of the Black Eagle

Behind the scenes of "CP Time"

James Green in "The Spirit of Isabella"

Bennie in "Pit Bulls"

Prison Rape Scene in "Four Walls" .​
Assaulting a fellow prisoner in the film "Four Walls"

Seth in "If You Save Me

Agents #1 & #2 in "Tommy Slays the Silver Dragon"

Signing autographs for "If You Save Me"

On Set of the film Opposition

Jimmy the Face in Dog eat Dog

Abusing the lovely and talented lead. Ms Carolann Plank

Working with one of the finest Martial Artist I know Mr. Jay Hawkins

We're so busted. The set of "An Eye for an Eye"

An yet another unsavory character

Don't let her good looks fool you. I'm about to get whipped.

Now what does that damn yanky think he's laughing at.

James Green. Yet another villain
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